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Coffee time

This year is such a blessing for me. One of the reasons is because I met many kinds of special people. They are glowing in their own way.

I’ve known this friend only for 2 months approximately. However, we’ve already developed a weird but close relationship to each other. Her name is Yousra and she comes from Algeria (all the way to Indonesia for her undergraduate study. Are you surprised? Everyone is!). I met her by coincidence because of my team in World Merit. Surprisingly, we have many things in common especially in the way we see how things work (and then make jokes about it).

What I like about her is her great spirit for everything. She is such a girl on fire! Can you imagine that she is a new person in a totally new environment, but she is cool with everything? There are still some challenges for sure, but, I know she will figure it out somehow. You know, maybe because I have the same experience, I know how it feels being in her shoes right now, so it’s easy for us to get close to each other. Moreover, I appreciate someone effort to meet me amidst their busy life, because I do have a full packed schedule but if I care about something, then I will have time for it. Since sometimes what I need is just a little time to chat with friends, just to make my stories be heard by someone is a meaningful feeling for me.

Therefore, I’m thankful to meet amazing people and Yousra is one of them! Hope everything will be great for both of us in the future 😁

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The Memory of That Day - Kim Jong Wan (Nell)
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