To Be Settled or Not Settled
This is the stage where I am right now. I am currently reading this e-book titled '2 Questions Every Girl is Asking Herself' by Michelle Dong. Why? Because somehow I found a resemblance of myself in her journey.
I don't want to settle too soon yet I haven't figured out what I want to do in life.
There's always a moment when I'm stunned seeing how my friends so easily settled things in their life. Or even most Indonesian do? Like everything is already setup for our life here. School, work, marriage or school, marriage, work. Secured all of the three means you acquired the success 'status' here.
Nevertheless, I don't think life is merely going around in that frame. I want to discover the unexpected. Found myself doing things that I thought I could never do. Smelling air that might make myself to wonder. Connecting life dots that can be the fuel of my lifetime. Is it wrong to be this way?
I choose the safe option for now but I'm perfectly aware that I won't be here for long. Should I fly to Seattle to settle things? Let the dream and prayer answer this challenging stage of life.
If you were also in the same phase like this, you should not be worried. You're not alone, pal! (You have me).
Take a read on this refreshing book on Wattpad!